Session Details

150-Year-Old As-Builts + 165 New Caissons – How one GC Eliminated Big Headaches for an Ohio Medical Center Expansion

Start Time:

3/26/2025 10:30:00 AM

End Time:

3/26/2025 11:20:00 AM

About this session:

When General Contractor Rudolph Libbe won the bid to expand one of Northwest Ohio’s oldest hospitals – Mercy Health’s St. Vincent Medical Center, or St. V’s, as it’s known locally in Toledo – they knew there would be challenges because the 150+ year-old facility meant nearly zero reliable existing conditions documentation – especially when it came to the subsurface of an adjacent asphalt parking lot that was previously a riverbed and neighborhood – the site of the proposed expansion. Join GPRS’ Matt Mikolajczyk and Rob Wissolik from Rudolph Libbe as they walk you through how architects, engineers, virtual design consultants, owners, contractors, and subcontractors streamlined communications and broke down information siloes to find the surprises beneath the surface of their expansion before they became dangerous risks, clashes, and damages.

1. Understand your current facility data acquisition, storage, and communications, and the issues associated with documenting your subsurface information.
2. Understand how up-to-date underground utility & subsurface feature mapping can drive safer results at your facility.
3. Understand how comprehensive digital utility and infrastructure maps, or 3D BIM models can eliminate unknowns while planning and enable projects to stay on schedule, on budget, and safe.
4. Understand the key benefits to geolocating & layering documents.

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