Start Time:
3/27/2025 1:40:00 PM
End Time:
3/27/2025 2:30:00 PM
About this session:
Smoke control systems are complex and require interaction among various systems. Model codes, such as the International Building Code and Life Safety Code (NFPA 101), require smoke control systems in specific conditions, including large stages, atriums, high-rise buildings, and underground buildings. Once required, the smoke control systems must be designed, built, and maintained correctly. Maintaining a smoke control system is ultimately the responsibility of the building owner and facility manager. Smoke control system inspection, testing, and maintenance (ITM) requires exercising of all equipment, measurements to verify performance requirements, and testing on secondary power. Attendees will also learn how projects, upgrades, and tenant improvements through the lifetime of the building can impact the performance of the smoke control systems. Periodic smoke control testing is required to verify that the system still meets the performance requirements of when the building designed. Facility managers can minimize issues by being knowledgeable with the smoke control system, the systems that are required to interact with it, and the smoke control weekly, semi-annual, and annual testing. Join this presentation for an overview of smoke control systems and the ITM required for smoke control systems. Topics will include best practices, challenges, and recommendations for facility managers for maintaining smoke control systems.
1. High-level overview of various smoke control systems, their performance requirements, and applications.
2. Learn what codes drive ITM and what the owner and facility manager responsibilities are for ITM.
3. How projects, upgrades, and tenant improvements and what to do if the system becomes impaired.
4. Learn the frequencies for significant ITM.
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