Speaker Information


I love speaking here because of the interactiveness and valuable discussions with a great crowd.

‐ Dustin Snavely, GPRS


Speaker Deadlines

Speaker Badge and AV Form is Due
Slides Due

NFMT 2025 | Baltimore, MD

March 25‐27, 2025 | Baltimore Convention Center

Check‐in at least 30 minutes prior to your session in Room 336

NFMT Speaker Marketing Toolkit

Spread the word that you're speaking at the premier facilities management conference event this spring! Below are some tools to promote your participation at NFMT:

Downloadable Graphics

Let your presence be known!

Download the graphics individually below, or click here to download all.

Speaker Graphic LI     Speaker Graphic FB

Promote Your Session on Social Media

Use the below post drafts with provided graphics above to announce your speaking engagement and encourage attendees to come to your session.

1: Don't miss my session " ______________________" at #NFMT2025. I hope to see you there!

2: Join me at #NFMT2025 on March ___ at _ : ___ where I will be speaking at the Baltimore Convention Center. Can't wait to see you!

3: Did you know I'll be speaking at #NFMT2025 on March __? Check out the full agenda and join in on my session!

Include hashtag #NFMT2025 on your posts for a chance to be featured on our social media channels.

Announce Your Presence

Get the word out about your session at CBC 2025 through your company's website and e-Newsletter.

Don't miss my session "____________________" at NFMT Baltimore 2025! Register now to save your spot today. Learn more about the event here

Event listing and e-Newsletters


Get the word out about your involvement through your company's website as well as in their newsletter!


If you have any other questions please contact education@tradepress.com

NFMT Speaker Policies

Please reach out to education@tradepress.com with any questions regarding the following Speaker Policies.


Trade Press Media Group, Inc. is committed to providing an educational opportunity for all persons and admits participants of any race, color, gender, sexual preference, age, non-disqualifying handicap, religion, or creed, or national or ethnic origin. Any instruction/speaker not following our anti-discrimination policy will be asked to leave.

Proprietary Interest

All instructors/speakers must disclose the existence of any financial interest and/or other relationships they might have with the manufacturer(s) or providers of any commercial product(s) or service(s) to be discussed during their presentation. Please include these proprietary interests on a slide and verbally acknowledge from podium.

Conflict of Interest Disclosure

Speaker should disclose any relationship that could reasonably be viewed as creating a conflict of interest, or the appearance of a conflict of interest, that might bias the content of the presentation. Speaker should disclose any significant financial interest in any product, instrument, device, service or material discussed in the presentation, including the source of any third-party compensation related to the presentation. By way of examples, significant financial interest or other relationships could include employment or stockholder status or funding. Speaker is ultimately responsible for determining whether particular information should be disclosed. Disclosure should be made orally and in writing during the live presentation.