October 15-16, 2025 - Orange County Convention Center - Orlando, FL

Call for Presenters

Submission Deadline: March 31, 2025

Thank you for your interest in presenting in Orlando, FL on October 15-16, 2025. You will be notified of your submission status by April 28, 2025. Contact education@tradepress.com or 414-228-7701 ext 458 with questions.


Session Length: NFMT sessions are 50 minutes in length with time for audience questions; a typical session comprises 40 minutes of presentation and 10 minutes of Q&A.

Speaker Compensation: NFMT speakers share their expertise and knowledge with our audience without financial compensation and receive valuable networking opportunities, marketplace exposure, and the chance to connect with a diverse audience of industry professionals.

Speaker Substitutions OR Cancellations: If a speaker has to withdraw from the event, they should notify NFMT event staff to discuss options, including identifying potential replacement speakers, and sharing presentation materials with the substitute if necessary.

Conference Handouts: Presentation materials, including slides, will be posted on the event website. Speakers authorize duplication and distribution by NFMT. Slides are due September 20, 2025; a Dropbox link will be supplied to presenters for slide upload.

Copyright Material: If copyright material is included in a presentation, the speaker must obtain written permission from the respective publisher and author; authorization letters must be on file with the NFMT.

Session Recording: The speaker authorizes NFMT to record, duplicate, and distribute any portion of their participation in NFMT Remix 2025, and waives any and all claims resulting from the recording, duplicating, and sales of the aforesaid.

Conference Photographs: The speaker authorizes NFMT to use photographed images taken during the conference in promotional materials.

*Presentation Title (20 words or less)
*Presentation Abstract (200 words or less)
*Learning Objectives
Continuing Education Units (CEU) Questions*
(True/False format)

*Has this particular presentation been given at any other industry events?

Submitted By

Check here if the person submitting this form is not the 'Speaker'


*First Name *Last Name Designations *Title *Company *Phone *Cell Phone *Email
*Speaker Bio (200 words or less)

Speaker headshot. If selected this photo will be used on the event website. Speaker Photo Required - JPG Image Format ( .jpg )

Speaker 2

Click if there is a 2nd Speaker.

Speaker 3

Click if there is a 3rd Speaker.

Speaker 4

Click if there is a 4th Speaker.

By checking this box, the individual acknowledges that he/she has read, understood, and agrees to be bound by the policies set forth in this agreement. If Speaker violates or fails to comply with any of these policies, NFMT management will take appropriate actions and may rescind the speaking opportunity or future opportunities.

*I agree if selected the information on this form will be posted on the event website