November 2 – 3, 2022
Call for Presenters
Thank you very much for your interest in presenting at NFMT Remix at the Paris Hotel in Las Vegas November 2-3, 2022. All submissions will be reviewed by our conference committee. If you have any questions please contact Amy Brown at or 414-228-7701 ext 458.
Speaker Substitutions: NFMT does not allow speaker substitution without the consent of the Education Department. If a scenario arises causing the request of a substitute the speaker agrees to contact the Director of Education as soon as possible to discuss a solution.
Speaker Cancellations:If a speaker is forced to cancel the speaker agrees to contact the education department, as soon as possible. The speaker agrees to assist NFMT in identifying and find a substitute for the workshop or seminar. In addition the speaker agrees to provide their handout for use by the replacement speaker if needed.
Conference Handouts: All conference materials will be available for download at the time of the conference. Please include any white papers, tools, bibliographies, links, or other materials that Speaker thinks may be pertinent or add value to the presentation. They will be included on the website if practicable. By signing this agreement the speaker authorizes NFMT to duplicate and distribute these presentation materials. Deadline: Handouts are due by Friday September 23, 2022. Handouts are required for each conference session and must be reviewed by NFMT prior to their distribution online. Please contact the Education Department before the deadline if you need an extension.
Copyright Material: Copyright material and material duplicated from publications are unacceptable as handouts. Should copyright material be required, you must obtain written permission from the respective publisher and author. Authorization letters must be on file in the NFMT office. NFMT will not reproduce copyrighted material without appropriate release documentation.
Session Recording: The speaker authorizes NFMT to record, duplicate, and distribute any portion of their participation in NFMT Remix. In addition, the speaker waives any and all claims resulting from the recording, duplicating, and sales of the aforesaid.
Conference Photographs: The speaker authorizes NFMT to use photographed images taken during the conference in promotional materials.